We are so proud to present the latest from the Wongchhu Sherpa Memorial Hospital. This film was shot and edited by the incredible Yaman Shakya and Bibek Bartaula. (They are also awesome singers.) It gives a great overview of the story behind the hospitals founding and comes right up to our visit to paint the pediatric room.
We hope it gives you all some perspective on what has been accomplished by the Himalayan Yokpu Foundation to open the hospital from just an idea on a hill in 2016.
The biggest thanks and respect go to Lakpa Sherpa for seeing this project through and organizing the travel, the equipment, the team, the Puja and for getting this great video crew on board. To the hospital staff, you are doing an amazing job and salute your patient care and professionalism.
Along with Lakpa, we thank the Himalayan Yokpu Foundation and the amazing team at Wongchhu Peak Promotion. Being able to see them again after two and a half years of travel restrictions was the best gift one could receive. Enjoy the film! Jam Jam!!
Wow. That brought tears to my eyes. One man’s dream. Tears of admiration to all involved. Tears for the friends you lost. Tears of joy for the people this will help. Tears of
F hope for the future. Happy tears.
Thank you! This has been such a project borne of kindness. With all that has happened to be able to see the changes made to people lives on a daily basis now is truly wonderful. Definitely we all got emotional watching this too. Jam Jam!!