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Acupuncture in the Wilderness: Q&A with Cami Hobbs

There’s nothing better than mixing your love of the outdoors with your profession. When it’s your job and it helps you to bring an added resource into a wilderness adventure, that’s pretty cool. Musa Masala welcomes our friend Cami Hobbs, MAOM,DAOM, Dipl. O.M. (NCCAOM), L.Ac.  We met Cami at the Wilderness Medical Society’s Winter Conference

Heads up! Here Comes Preventative Search and Rescue (SAR)

Musa Masala is continuing our series on Search and Rescue and wilderness safety with this important post from Jason Tartalone.  Jason is the founder of Sergeant Rescue Training and Consulting, an EMS, SAR and wilderness medicine training organization located in State College, PA. Jason is sharing with us the concept of Preventative Search and Rescue.

Hey, Don’t Get Lost!

If you have ever gotten confused and turned around in the wilderness, had that fog layer come down outta nowhere or somehow gotten on the wrong trail, you know what a deeply disturbing and dreadful feeling that can bring. How about we try to not let that happen? Honestly, it probably will happen if you’re