Available now in our store, this card is a simple tool to help you recognize hypothermia, prevent it and treat it.
Here are our previous posts about hypothermia:
Hypothermia: Scenarios and Management
Hypothermia Signs and Symptoms
#Recreate Responsibly and Layering Up in the Cold
A few hypothermia tips
When going on an outdoor adventure, planning is key to a safe and fun time. Be honest in assessing your skill level for the activity. It’s easy to overestimate your skills and get in trouble. When in doubt, ask a professional guide, ranger or coach for help and information.
Watch for the warning signs. Hypothermia can sneak up on you and your group. Always have a plan in case things go astray. And if they do, remember: Stop your activity, make a plan, and only then, go act on your plan!
Our cards are available as a pack with our Heat Illness and Altitude Tips card in the Musa Masala store!! A great way to prepare for an adventure, review this info, put it in your pack, and be ready for the elements!
If you are an instructor or represent an organization, contact us about group pricing here. Or order individual cards here.
Preparation, smart decisions and education go a long way towards ensuring a good time. Always be ready to adjust to new and changing situations in the wild.
Jam Jam!!