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Wongchu Sherpa
Musa Masala Goes to Breckenridge: The 2017 WMS Conference

Dr. Jennifer Konokpa sent us this post about the Summer WMS conference, where Musa Masala had a fundraising table for the Wongchu Sherpa Memorial Hospital. We had a very successful time helping the fund, and we had fun. One of the highlights for us was hearing Luis Benitez, an inspiring Everest summitter, speak. We made sure he

The Wongchu Sherpa Trust Girls Hostel Project #BOAW2017

The beauty of a woman starts in childhood, and flourishes with education and opportunity. I’m honored to write this post for The Beauty of a Woman BlogFest VI. To read others’ contributions celebrating real beauty and perhaps win a handmade prize visit this link today through March 11th. **** In Nepal, girls are in the back of the

The 1-Year Anniversary of Wongchu Sherpa’s Passing

In Sherpa culture one year after the passing of a loved one a Gongjo puja is organized. In memory of my late father Wongchu Sherpa we will have a ceremony every December 30th for the next three years. We have started a national level volleyball competition to be held at this time as well. For the first year