The Musa Masala Intermediate Lead Climbing Competition 2023!

The Musa Masala team, along with our co-sponsor, Wongchhu Peak Promotion, is back with our second climbing event! Our goal is to make competing at an international level a real choice for young Nepali climbers. We consider providing fun and challenging competitions a key part of the recipe for success. Nirvana Gears will again supply

Beginners’ Climbing Competition in Nepal!

Come on everybody, time to go climbing! The Musa Masala team, along with Wongchhu Peak Promotion and Nirvana Gears, as well as Crimpanzee Adventure Hub, are holding a beginners’ climbing competition on October 16th!! Crimpanzee is an amazing facility and we are so happy to be working with them on this event. This is an

Lead Climbing: The 2023 Musa Masala Indoor Competition 

On November 6th, Musa Masala sponsored our second year of climbing indoor competitions in Kathmandu, Nepal at Crimpanzee Adventure Hub. Building off last year’s beginner top rope style event, we offered an intermediate level lead climbing event. Our goal is to encourage the growth of indoor climbing in Nepal while working with the existing climbing