As you may know, all of us at Musa Masala have been following the journey of author, Jeff Sweat, as he’s battled severe COVID-19 and its aftereffects. We are so happy that Jeff is now back home and improving every day.
Jeff’s first-person story is so well told, as were tellings by his wife, Sunny, who stood in when Jeff wasn’t yet conscious. Through a writer’s view, he’s giving us such a tangible, vivid feel for what he and his family have been going through.
As medical providers, we are able to look through the eyes of a patient and an advocate’s perspective. We feel that the following two posts are especially important and wanted to share them with you.
The first post details how he caught the virus and his time leading up to hospital check in. The second features update on how he feels lately, the changes in his body and his mind. His recovery is ongoing.

Read the rest of the post here.

Read the rest of the post here.
We hope you will follow his updates, on Facebook and donate to his Gofundme page.
Thank you for sharing, Jeff and Sunny. We hope the whole family is doing well.