Here is a short film of a real journey: members of the Himalayan Yokpu Foundation bringing the new Ultrasound Machine to the Wongchhu Sherpa Memorial Hospital, traveling by four-wheel drive in rain-soaked road conditions. Big thanks to Sonam Sherpa, Pasang Sherpa and Phula Sherpa, who delivered this much needed diagnostic tool. Sakar Shrestha filmed this
The environmental situation on the Mountain and in the Sagarmatha National Park. We are back with a new show! Want to know about who is out there making effort to clean up the park and mountain? Want to know a little history of the cleanup operations over the years? Did you know there have been
2020 was not a great year for many things; one of them was fundraising. As we crawl to the exit, we have one more task to complete on our Musa calendar. We are joining with our friend, Dr. Paul Auerbach, to help in the funding for the Wongchhu Sherpa Memorial Hospital. Dr. Auerbach is the